
Article Article

In this eighth and last issue, you will find a new contribution dealing with the question session which takes place at the end of the presentation.


Chairman: Thank you for your presentation, and now the floor is open to questions.

First questioner: Thank you for your very interesting talk. I’d like to ask you why, in your experiment on HO-1 expression, you used aorta and kidney tissues. Could you tell us precisely what motivated this choice? Why for example didn’t you choose the liver?

Speaker: Thank you for your question. In fact, the aorta is very frequently used for such experiments and we wished to obtain results that could be compared with other results in the literature, and the kidney because HO-1 plays an important role in maintaining renal function by protecting renal epithelial cells from glomerular proteinuria, which can be a cause of oxidative stress, but, of course liver tissue could be used.

Chairman: We now have a question from the gentleman at the back on the right.

Second questioner: Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I’m no expert in this field, so my question may seem a little bit daft1, but I’d like to know why you decided not to measure insulin levels directly.

Speaker: No, your question is perfectly legitimate. Actually, as you may know, insulin undergoes first-pass clearance in the liver, and so, peripheral levels of insulin are not a good indicator of insulin production by the pancreas, and of course, other factors not related to the purpose of our study can affect insulin levels.

1. stupid, silly

Click on the following links to watch three short videos:
Cliquer sur les liens suivant pour voir trois courtes vidéos :
Questions 1
Questions 2
Questions 3

Appel aux questions / Inviting questions

Le moment des questions est arrivé.

The floor is open to questions.

Qui souhaite poser une question ?

Who would like to ask a question?

Y-a-t-il des questions au sujet de la première communication ?

Are there any questions concerning the first presentation?

J'invite les participants à poser leurs questions.

I'd like to invite questions from the floor.

Y-a-t-il des commentaires ?

Are there any comments?

J'ai une remarque générale et deux questions.

I have a general remark and two questions.


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