English Corner #4

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English Corner #4

In this fourth english corner, you will find a contribution dealing with psychiatry, and more precisely tobacco addiction. Our aim is not to teach medicine but to familiarize readers with medical english as used by professionals and patients.

Dr Lighter : Come in Mr. Fag, please sit down. Now, how can I help you ?

Mr. Fag : Well, doctor, my G.P. said that you may be able to help me; you see, I want to stop smoking.

Dr. Lighter : I see, and what made you decide to stop smoking ?

Mr. Fag : Several things actually. First, my brother was diagnosed with lung cancer last month, and he didn’t smoke as much as me. And then, I’m trying to get fit again, and I get out of puff just walking to the shops, and on top of that my wife has been pestering me for years; you see, she managed to stop, and if she can do it, I can too.


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