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  1. The purpose of the study was to determine glucose levels _______ obese rats.
  2. The animals were treated ______ accordance ________ official guidelines.
  3. The patients were divided ________ three groups according _______ their age.
  4. Blood samples were taken _______ regular intervals _______ the study.
  5. Let’s move on _______ the next speaker.
  6. ________ the end of the treatment, the patients were sent home to convalesce.
  7. As shown ______ the slide, patients were treated _______ aspirin or paracetamol.




1.     The purpose of the study was to determine glucose levels in obese rats

Le but de l’étude était de déterminer le taux de glucose chez les rats obèses.

2.     The animals were treated in accordance with official guidelines.

Les animaux ont été traités selon les directives officielles.

3.     The patients were divided into three groups according to their age.

Les patients ont été divisés en trois groups en fonction de leur âge.

4.     Blood samples were taken at regular intervals throughout the study.

Des prises de sang ont été effectuées à intervalles réguliers tout au long de l’étude.

5.     Let’s move on to the next speaker.

Passons à l’orateur suivant.

6.     At the end of the treatment, the patients were sent home to convalesce.

A la fin du traitement, les patients ont été renvoyés à la maison pour leur convalescence.

7.     As shown on the slide, patients were treated with aspirin or paracetamol.

Comme indiqué sur la diapositive, les patients ont reçu un traitement par aspirine ou paracétamol.


*Professeurs d’anglais médical à l’université de Dijon


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