N°6 : Writing the Materials and Methods section

Article Article

Transform the following sentences using the passive voice.

1. Researchers divided the rats into two groups; those that assistants fed with a high-fat diet and those that assistants fed with a normal diet.
2. Surgeons took biopsies of the swollen lymph nodes.
3. The scientist added 3cl of NaOH to the solution, and then centrifuged the mixture at 5,000 rpm for 1 min.
4. The clinical research assistants took blood samples every morning before the patients had breakfast.
5. Researchers used a questionnaire that others had validated in earlier studies.
6. Scientists have shown that this method provides reliable results.


1. The rats were divided into two groups, those that were fed with a high-fat diet end those that were fed with a normal diet. (“that were” can be removed here)
2. Biopsies of the swollen lymph nodes were taken.

3. Three centilitres of NaOH were added to the solution which was then centrifuged at 5,000 rpm for 1 min.

4. Blood samples were taken every morning before the patients had breakfast.

5. A questionnaire that had been validated in earlier studies was used.

6. This method has been shown to provide reliable results.

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