N°5 : Writing the introduction

Article Article

Find in the list above the English equivalent of the following French abbreviations/acronyms.

1.    SEP
2.    VS
3.    NFS
4.    LCR
5.    DIU
6.    TVP
7.    RGO
8.    ROR
9.    MST

1.    SEP = sclérose en plaques ; MS = multiple sclerosis
2.    VS = vitesse de sédimentation ; ESR = erythrocyte sedimentation rate
3.    NFS = numération formule sanguine ; FBC = full blood count
4.    LCR = liquide céphalorachidien ; CSF = cerebrospinal fluid
5.    DIU = dispositif intra utérin ; IUD = intrauterine device
6.    TVP = thrombose veineuse profonde ; DVP = deep vein thrombosis
7.    RGO = reflux gastro-oesophagien ; GERD = gastroesophageal reflux disease
8.    ROR = rougeole, oreillons, rubéole ; MMR = measles, mumps, rubella
9.    MST = maladie sexuellement transmissible ; STI = sexually-transmitted infection

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