N°6 : Writing the Materials and Methods section

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Both active and passive verbs are to be found. Nevertheless, as the focus of this section is on the methods and procedures rather than the researchers performing the different tasks, the passive is more often used.

On trouvera aussi bien des verbes à la voix active qu’à la voix passive. Cependant, comme cette partie est centrée sur les méthodes et les techniques utilisées plutôt que sur les chercheurs qui accomplissent ces différentes tâches, la voix passive est souvent utilisée.

- Ex. Tumour markers were measured and abdominal ultrasonography was performed at every follow-up visit.

Moreover, certain verbs used in the active voice have a passive meaning (receive, undergo, suffer from, comprise, consist of...).

De plus, certains verbes utilisés à la voix active ont un sens passif (receive, undergo, suffer from, comprise, consist of...).

- Ex. Patients who had undergone R0 resection for colorectal cancer between 2006 and 2010, and who had no clinical, radiological or endoscopic signs of tumour recurrence at the start of the study were included.

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