N°3 - Guidelines to Authors

Article Article

Fill in the blanks, using words or expressions taken from the list below.

1.    Make sure the manuscript ___________ the requirements set out in the Instructions for Authors.
2.    All texts should be ___________ using 11-point type in Times Roman ___________.
3.    The Acknowledgment section should include the names of those people who contributed to a study, but did not ____________ for ___________.
4.    Endocrinology requires that all manuscripts provide a ___________. Please note, submissions are limited to 5,200 words.
5.    All of the authors have read and ___________ the manuscript.
6.    We ___________ affirm that this submitted manuscript is our original work, is not ___________ by another journal, and has not been ___________ before.
7.    Authors must use the following ___________ to divide the sections of their original article manuscript: Introduction, ___________, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgment, Disclosure, and References.
8.    Any experiments involving animals must be demonstrated to be ___________.

approved / authorship / complies with / double-spaced / ethically acceptable / font / hereby / Materials
meet the requirements / published / subheadings / under consideration / word count


1.    Make sure the manuscript complies with the requirements set out in the Instructions for Authors.
2.    All texts should be double-spaced using 11-point type in Times Roman font.
3.    The Acknowledgment section should include the names of those people who contributed to a study, but did not meet the requirements for authorship.
4.    Endocrinology requires that all manuscripts provide a word count. Please note, submissions are limited to 5,200 words.
5.    All of the authors have read and approved the manuscript.
6.    We hereby affirm that this submitted manuscript is our original work, is not under consideration by another journal, and has not been published before.
7.    Authors must use the following subheadings to divide the sections of their original article manuscript: Introduction, Materials, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgment, Disclosure, and References.
8.    Any experiments involving animals must be demonstrated to be ethically acceptable.

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